
Who We Are


I never had any mentor or God father in this industry and I have come up in this industry completely by myself. This path taught me a lot of things. I realized that the first thing newcomers encounter in our industry are fraud people. This is very sad that these fraud people mislead the aspiring stars and rob them of their money and opportunities. Majority of the strugglers go back to their hometowns frustrated with the industry because of such people.

Also there are many acting schools in Mumbai but a common problem with these acting schools is that once you have done the course from there they just leave you in this huge jungle, the Indian film industry, all by yourself without any support. Our acting classes on the other hand are always there for our studentswith open arms even after the tenure of their classes.The acting school stays in touch with, guides and helps our students till they get work.


Over the past years, the hiya's acting institute has built a reputation as one of the premier acting schools in the india. Mastering the craft of acting demands a strong technical foundation. At "HAI" you can learn skills that will help you prepare for a career as a professional actor.

In our acting classes in Mumbai we make our students work very hard in order to improve on their skills to act and play along with the TALENT. We take special care of students with wrong MT's and RT's (mother/regional tongue), diction errors or even a less expressive nature. The acting school provides small exercises to resolve these errors.

With our innovative approach to teaching, students find themselves completely immersed in their course of study, surrounded by award-winning faculty and working in state-of-the-art facilities. The project-based curriculum is designed to reflect a real-world environment while encouraging students to explore their own creativity and passions.

With courses in City, and the opportunity to earn a Bachelor's or Master's degree or explore a passion through our short-term workshops, the HIYA ACTING INSTITUTE has a program that is right for you.

Course Work:

  • Acting for Film
  • Acting Technique
  • Film Craft
  • Text Analysis
  • Speech
  • Meisner Technique
  • Voice and Movement
  • Improvisation
  • Business of Acting
  • Audition Technique
  • Performance Analysis
  • Live Performances
  • Stage Combat


  • Sonali Sharma

    My experience at the HAI, Mumbai over the last 9 months has been nothing short of amazing. That being said, it was never easy and there were days where one would come back wondering why one was putting oneself through such a tough process. Which me brings me to my first big learning at the Drama School, the ability to find new energy. This is something that I learnt quite early (week 4 or 5) during our work with Hiya.

    Gulshan Kapoor

    generally consider myself a film actor (because i love it) although my foundation is theatre. I believe that actors must expose themselves to all kinds of art . An active mind creates an active imagination.